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Talent Search

It was a herculean task for the Talent Search Team – comprising of Tr. Mary, Tr. Lorraine, Tr. Michelle and Tr. Lisa  to first of all short list the vocalists who were all indeed vying make it to the finals.

After sitting through and listening to our little talented singers, we finally cut down on 36 finalists.  There were also very talented little instrumentalists too.  The auditions were held on two different days for the vocalists and instrumentalists

Eventually the finals were held on the 7th of March 2017, where an extremely talented and experienced musician Mrs. Lenny Serrao was called in to give the final verdict.  She spoke to our little musicians and encouraged them to keep soaring higher and to make a notch in the field of music.  Kudos Stanislites remember you are Born for Greater Things.                                                       

- Tr. Mary, Tr. Lorraine, Tr. Michelle and Tr. Lisa