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About SIPS Framework

St. Stanislaus Certificate Program (SSCP) which was started 3 years ago to help bridge the gap between the SSC curriculum and the curriculum of other Boards of education. It is based on the SIPS framework that focuses on Social, Intellectual,Personal and Spiritual transformation of the child.

 An overview of the four pillars of SSCP

The Social Transformation

Focuses on the creation of caring persons – men for others - by giving the students, experiences of disadvantaged people. Each term, every student of the programme, visits an institution which is involved in the education of students who are physically, emotionally and or mentally challenged. The students are also sensitized to the needs of the elderly in old age homes and disadvantaged children (REAP). During the visit, both sets of students interact, the Stanislaus boys conduct an activity and then follow it up with a report on their experience. Some community service activities are also included to help the children develop an attitude of giving back to society.

The Intellectual Transformation

Has a number of components:

  • The Creative writing module has activities such as writing innovative stories, movie scripts and creating and designing their own advertisements. It focuses on the development of language, listening and oral communication skills. This module uses audio-visual aids like movies, power-point presentations, vocabulary enhancing worksheets etc
  • The Business module in the 7th standard teaches analytical and application skills
  • The Math and Science Module involves graded, experience-based teaching-learning with activities like, ‘Green fingers - grow your plant know your plant’, understanding the concepts of fractions and magnets, the area of an irregular surface, the volume of a cylinder and electric currents, through activities and model making. The activity-based instructional methodology used, focuses on global skills like Creativity, Analysis, Application as well as soft skills like the making of presentations and confidence building.
  • In the Computer Module students learn several software programs like Windows, MS Office, Corel Draw, Coding and how to access the Internet. The Scratch Software taught to students helps develop creativity and logic.

The Personal Transformation

We have the development of talent: skills like karate, a martial art for self-defense, speech and drama, development of mental skills in the form of chess, and dance which helps develop motor skills along with the NCC, Scouts or RSP which instils civic sense.

The Spiritual Transformation

Involves activities like the AVEC (Archdiocesan Value Education Centre) poster-making competitions, skits and projects on values with an exposure to all religions which aims at helping students explore the ethical and the divine